The Social Network

"How should I begin this? I'm just so offended." –SC

Have you ever found out something about a person that completely changed your perception of who they are? In this age of Facebook and Twitter, I feel like I'm learning a lot of information about a lot of different people and some of it, I'd rather not know. Sure, it's just Facebook. Sure, it's just Twitter. But it's really still you. Meeting the "Facebook version" of a person that you thought you might like could completely change your perception. I always say, if you have a celebrity that you admire, DON'T FOLLOW HIM OR HER ON TWITTER. You just might find out that person is an idiot. Look at Tyrese…

As far as I'm concerned, the same rules apply for romantic relationships. If you want to peak my interest, just tell me that you don't use FB and Twitter. I know it's hypocritical because I use it, but I love it when guys don't. Unfortunately, that's pretty rare so I've had to make some exceptions. One rule that I try not to break is NO DATES OR BOYFRIENDS on my social networks. I do it to protect myself, as well as, them. Who hasn't stalked a FB page and analyzed every comment wondering what it meant? It's human nature. When it comes to FB, that will be the only time I tell my man "no, I don't want to see yours and you don't need to see mine." It leads to nothing but problems.

I believe in expressing myself but I also think that every thought doesn't need to be shared with everyone, ESPECIALLY if it's someone you're dating. There's no tone, context, or inflection when it comes to tweeting. What one person might think is funny or harmless could be perceived by another as "thirst" or "desperation". When it comes to Social Networking, it doesn't matter what you MEANT. What matters, is how it comes across. A guy might think it's cute to tweet that reality star 10x a day, as if she'd ever acknowledge him, but the girl you're dating might beg to differ. #TheThirst is real and social networking brings this out of people for some reason.

No one wants the dude in the club that tries to holla at every chick. Well, guess what? No one wants the man that's on Twitter or Facebook hitting up every random chick that floats across his timeline or wall. If I did want you & I saw that, you can trust & believe that I wouldn't want you anymore. How can anyone take a person like that seriously? Who wants to be the girlfriend of the thirsty dude on Twitter?

You can't un-ring a bell and you can't take back a dumb Tweet or Facebook status after it's been seen. Regardless of how cute you are, if you tweet something out of bounds, you might not be able to come back from that. There are already so many things that can go wrong in a relationship… Why add Twitter and Facebook into the mix?


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