
jad·ed: made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by surfeit

Dating is hard. Well, not the act of finding dates or going on them, but the act of actually finding the right person. The average girl has to kiss a lot of frogs before she finds her prince. The problem with these frogs is that you usually don't know they are a frog until it's too late. As a result, most women begin to utilize a series of boundaries or tests to try to weed these frogs out quickly. We operate under the motive that there is 'always something' and we have to find out what that 'something' is sooner rather than later.

The problem is, the whole goal of dating is to meet "that" person. The person that really is as good as he seems. The person that doesn't have anything to hide. Unfortunately, when you date for so long you can become jaded. Cynical. Doubting. Always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Always wondering what is it gonna be this time because it's always something.

Which brings me to him, let's call him Warner. He seems so good. Says all the right things. Cute, tall, funny, etc. etc. etc. Why can't I just accept this? Why do I always have to look for something? No one is that good right? No one could be that perfect… And if he is, why is he single? Believe me, I have concocted all types of crazy theories.

Only time can answer these questions. I like Warner so I hope he proves me wrong. Maybe the other shoe will never drop. Maybe he really is that good… Or maybe I'll be posting here in a few months with another example of why I'm so jaded.


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