Emotional Rollercoaster

The past couple of weeks have been super crazy! I can't seem to keep up with my schedule of doing a couple blog posts a week. It's getting closer to my move date…. Four days away to be exact. I'm feeling lots of things. Scared, excited, curious, scared, hopeful, happy, scared, anxious, full of anticipation, did I say SCARED?

As the date gets closer and closer I've experienced a roller coaster of emotions. I quit my job and the very next day I had a brutal wake-up call. I've worked pretty consistently since the age of 15 so the idea of actually being without a job (even temporarily) sent me into an unexpected tailspin. I started re-evaluating everything. Should I stay? Should I go? Should I go to Atlanta or pick another city? I've literally re-examined every single aspect of my decision at least 2-3 times. I became unsure about my choice… I started wondering about my new job. Would it come through? Would everything unfold as I planned it? I started doubting my choice for an apartment… Everything was up in the air again.

After taking a few days to get centered, I decided to stand firm on my decision. After all, I had thought it through and analyzed every aspect of it with a clear head so why let a minor emotional breakdown deter me? The fact of the matter is that even if I wanted to go back, I couldn't. In Houston, I'm unemployed with no immediate prospects. In Atlanta, I'm on to the next level of my career.

It seems that this whole journey have been paved with little signs of divine intervention. If you know me, then you know I'm all about "signs". I see them everywhere (even if there aren't any).

As I'm prepping for my going-away party but still full of self-doubt, guess who calls me? My new boss! She finally had my official job offer with salary, start date and an offer letter to be delivered on Tuesday! Well if that's not a sign, then I don't know what is.

Tonight I'm going to The Drake to pop bottles and party the night away with my closest friends and on Tuesday, I'm moving to Atlanta!


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