Why Won't You Let Me be Great? (c) Kanye West

Sooooo this is my blog. The place where I will track my thoughts, experiences, and discoveries as I relocate from Houston to Atlanta. The adventures of a transplant! Experience life with me as I move to another state for the first time in my life. I hope that this blog will be a lot of things… funny, insightful, thought-provoking, fuckery-filled and most of all entertaining. So follow me on this journey from the Dirty South to the Dirty Southeast.

Will I sink or swim? Be fab or drab? Live the high life or end up a pauper? Become a Miranda, Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte or end up a Sour Apple Bitter Bitch?

I’ve reached the 30-day mark for my move and set an official date of Sunday, September 5. That’s the day that I will pack up my entire 28 years of life, cram it in a U-Haul, and hit the road to ATL. Yes, Atlanta: the place of dreams, the young urban promised land, the new Black Hollywood, the other side of the mountain-top.

My decision to leave Houston has been about 3 years in the making. Ever since I started to travel extensively throughout the country, I began to have a strong feeling that I was not meant to spend my whole life in Houston. Yeah, I have a stable job. Yeah, I have good friends. Yeah, I have an OK life… But I’m from the millennium generation. The ‘I wanted it yesterday’ generation. The 'make it happen' generation. OK isn’t good enough for me. An “alright” life just won’t do… I was created to have the fab life, the great life, to have it all. God said it. Joel said it. I choose to believe them.

As I continue to edge closer to 30, I started to seriously think about the 5, 10, and 15 year plans I created for my life. I’m all about the planning, but you’ll figure that out soon enough. I guess you could call it my personal
quarter-life crisis . I began to become increasingly disillusioned with Houston & my ability to reach my goals from this… ‘place’. I could spend my whole life asking Houston, “Why won’t you let me be great?”, or I could change the game and do something about it.

The day that I decided to move I was on vacation in NYC walking alone down Park Avenue. This probably sounds cliché as hell but it’s true. It was a beautiful day & I was headed downtown from the museum back to my hotel. In that second, experiencing the scenery, hustle and bustle, and beauty of that particular day, I decided that I was leaving Houston immediately. There was just something about the picture-perfect quality of that moment that gave me the inspiration I needed. If you’re ever in NYC, I encourage you to take that walk. It’s inspiring!


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